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Writer's pictureDarren M. Palmer

Quarantine and Write

10 Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors

With the current times we are facing, you may have found yourself busier than before or maybe life has somewhat slowed down a bit and you are wanting to become an author.

Either way, I wanted to share writing tips that may be helpful during this time. Writing a book is a journey and perhaps these tips can help guide you along the way. Maybe you just have an idea, or you could have so much as the title or outline. That’s great… I just wanted to share 10 Writing Tips!

Tip #1

Time is of the essence. The views and Netflix accounts are at an all-time high. While I am not anti-t.v., I am anti-unproductive. Be willing to make sacrifices. Give up one hour of Netflix and write instead. People are home now more than they have been, so find a quiet corner or sit in your favorite chair and just write!

Tip #2

Set word counts or time minimums for your writing sessions. Experiment to find what’s comfortable for you. Maybe select a minimum of 500 words.

Tip #3

Keep your vision and the overall message you want to convey in mind at all times. Let that be your guide as you write. Write about topics that you’re passionate about. Don’t set out to write a zombie book because zombies are popular. Write what genuinely interests you. Your passion will show up in your writing!

Tip #4

Once you have the vision and message for your overall book, make sure you create a detailed outline. Our editors always share that the more detailed your outline is, the less work you will have to do when it comes to writing. The less detailed your outline is, the more work you will have to do when it comes to writing. (This is when you are more susceptible to getting writer’s block!)

Tip #4

Connect with writers and authors. It’s good to get around people who are doing the same things as you, but it’s also a great idea to connect with those who have already been where you are trying to go. They will keep you going. Don’t be afraid to join writing groups, classes, workshops, online, and offline.

Tip #5

Read books, articles, and essays on the craft of writing. But don’t spend more time reading about how to write than you spend writing. I recommend a book every three months for beginners.

Tip #6

Be flexible: many writers say their best stories take off in unpredictable directions. As the saying goes, let the characters take the reins. The discovery process is often what makes writing fun and magical.

Tip #7

Do not abandon one project just because you had another brilliant idea. Stay focused and finish what you start. You have to learn to focus on one task at a time. Some people claim they can work on several projects simultaneously; however, they often put one project down to pick up another and only end up with multiple unwritten manuscripts. Most people write better when they’re working on one project at a time.

Tip #8

Set deadlines. If you can’t meet your own deadlines, get someone to hold you accountable: a writing coach, teacher, or writing group or buddy. Most of us are less likely to let someone else down.

Tip #9

This tip will definitely enhance your writing skills! Use the dictionary and thesaurus, even when you’re not writing. Look up words you hear in conversations or see in books and online.

Here’s a bonus tip: use online dictionaries with audio pronunciations. Many heavy readers are prone to mispronounce words they’ve read but never heard.

Tip #10

Last, but not least, don’t stop for anything. Some days you’ll be too tired, too hungry, too stressed out to write. Give yourself some slack (cut your writing session in half) but don’t skip it!

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