Let’s consider this plan is based on an 18,000-word book that will convert to approximately 90 pages in a book; you would only need to write 850 words a day for 21 days! This plan equivalates to only six chapters. If you have more chapters than that, just continue with the same concept, and it won’t take much longer! You can also skip the breaks — and write an additional chapter.
30 Day Writing Plan
Prep Work
Day 1–2: List ideas, research
Day 3–4: Mind map
Day 5–7: Finalize ideas & complete outline
Now you are ready to get started writing! Are you ready? Do not overthink it! Just write.
Week 1
Day 1–3: Write a solid introduction
All the introduction needs to include is a snippet of what the book consists of.
Day 4–6: Write chapter one
Day 7: Reread the introduction
Just reread it. Do not go back and edit. Just read. It will keep the concept fresh on your mind before starting week 2!
Week 2
Day 1–3: Write chapter two
Day 4–6: Write chapter three
Day 7: Take a break!
Week 3
Day 1–2: Write chapter four
Day 3–4: Write chapter five
Day 5–6: Write chapter six
Day 7: Take a break!
You are almost there… Keep going!
Week 4
Day 1–2: Write a conclusion
Day 3–7: Read through the entire manuscript as a reader. Take notes while you are reading, then go back and make changes to the final rough draft.
Now that you have this 30 Day Writing Plan get to writing! It’s time to stop waiting and start creating.